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The Rise of the feminine divine

The rise of the feminine Divine is here, is now!

Energetic traits of the Feminine Divine also referred to as the Divine Feminine- include kindness, empathy, vulnerability, humility, patience, collaboration Strength, Courage, inclusiveness, creativity, wisdom, magic, adaptiveness, love, and intuition. ...

It is fierce unapologetic power…

not power over, but power from within-

empowerment power of connection to animals to nature

So How do You Awaken, or know that You're on this sacred journey accessing this Universal Power?

To Start You must embrace all the elements of yourself recognizing those parts that no longer serve your highest purposes and releasing them with love and gratitude for the lessons they taught you -

We all have Masculine and Feminine energy both, male and female It is present in all Earth - beings

The rise of the Divine feminine refers to the transition into a flow that cannot be forced.

A sacred connection to the patterns in life.

A reverence for the natural world, for Mother Earth, and how her phases are a direct reflection of our experience.

You are changing on all levels physically - spiritually.

Your emotions are the key to manifesting, what it is you wish to see and experience.

Guard Your thoughts make them of good intention -

Rid yourself of those who do not respect or would feed on your ideas or energy it must be an equal exchange.

Notice how you feel around people in your life

Are they igniting your heart & soul or flaming your insecurities?

Find your tribe people who resonate with you on a heart and soul level

Who inspires & ignites Your Fire some of you will be leaders some are soldiers all are warriors.

It is not a competition - but it is a race one that must be run

There are many of you, who have experienced and evolved in trauma and become stronger standing in the vibration of love and light with no illusions of darkness that has taken over the human experience -

You are here to break the systems of ignorance greed and self-indulgence to become a powerful voice a conduit for change!

The Real TRUTH of injustice is to see it and stay Silent!

The changes that are coming are monumental on all levels.

Release all negative opinions of past experiences with people - do not forget what lessons they taught you.

Take a Stand- Draw a line - pick a side Careful where you place your feet.

If you feel the call to fight for those that cannot for those beings that are being hunted harmed,

killed, and destroyed along with their environment animal and human alike and you are feeling the call to arms in Your heart & deep in your soul and motivated to change on All levels.


You awaken to an ancient call like a long-forgotten melody and finding your true soul's purpose.

Now Step up -Show Up -Speak up!

A New World Needs New Ways.

Be a bringer of Light

A beacon of hope.

Fight for our Future

This is Your Earth's call to Arm's

You are not alone when you fight in the light to overthrow darkness which many of you have experienced,

most of your life - everything has happened to prepare you for Now,

for the Future for the changes that are coming many stand with you.

By your side embracing you through the vibration of the love and gratitude Strength & Courage

This is the Rise of the Feminine Divine and if you are resonating with this message then it has found You,

not by chance but by the Divine & is responding to Your hearts and Souls call!

Your awakening to the truth of reality and the call to unite with others there is beauty and power in the truth.

The Earth needs Warriors.

Our Greatest fear is not that we are powerless,

It is that we are powerful beyond belief!

Step up to your divine self!

The time is now the power is YOU!

POWER UP -this also means taking time out to recharge

Do this By connection to nature to the Elements of nature that also exist within you!

With every action Honor the earth - honor the animals large & small learn to live in balance

they as much right to be here as You and are paramount to our existence


If You'd like to continue the journey

Marie Jane Lewin Appears on TV and much sought after Public Speaker Empowerment through a spiritual connection to nature, Violence against Women, "Nutrition Cell talk "

Author of the upcoming book "The Beauty Alchemist" leader and visionary and Master Alchemist in formulating "BIOPrograms" has Globally recognition for cellular repair & regeneration had been developing natural products sold globally for all beings

can be found Body Soul Emporium - Earth's Answer

Esoteric, Epigenetics, Nanotechnology Herbology, Cosmetology. Thalassotherapy, Ancient Clay Therapy -to Molecular Genetics.A Medical Medium and more..

Follow on Face book and Instagram - MarieJane The Beauty Alchemist


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