Am I sick ? You & Your Body
Subject: Am I Sick?
In or last blog , we talked about your
amazing immune system and how it protects your
body against foreign invaders.
Today, we’ll talk about how to tell if that

immune system has been overpowered. In other
words, are you coming down with something?
Here are some early warning signs that you or
your kids might be getting sick:
•Fatigue: This is one of the first and most
significant signals that your body is fighting
off sickness.
It’s different from that mid-afternoon slump or
the feeling you get when you skimp on a little
We’re not sure exactly what causes the fatigue – maybe
your body is shunting all the energy to the immune
system or perhaps the cells under attack are
sending signals to the rest of the body.
But for whatever reason, if you’re coming down
with something, you’re probably feeling like you
want to just crawl back into bed and pull the
covers back up over your head.
•Change in Color: When you’re first getting sick,
your body tries to maintain its usual balance,
called homeostasis, by using the “fight or flight”
Your body shuts down or constricts blood flow to
the peripheral arteries in your face, fingers,
and toes so most blood flow goes to the essential
This can cause paleness or pallor and even a cool
temperature in the face, hands and feet. This can
often be the first visible sign, so if someone tells
you that you look pale, ask yourself if you may be
coming down with something.
•Dark Circles: This is especially common in kids
and young adults, and usually signals some sort
of sinus trouble.
In response to inflammation or infection, the
tissues and blood vessels near the eyes become

swollen with fluid and the smaller vessels darken
in color.
•Loss of Appetite: When you’re sick, your body
shunts more energy to the immune system and less
to the digestive system, so you usually don’t feel
much like eating.
•Mood Changes: It’s not a coincidence that folks
get extra-grumpy when they’re sick. It’s not just
a matter of not feeling yourself, either.
Viruses can actually interfere with the production
of our “feel good” neurotransmitters like dopamine
and serotonin.
In our next blog we’ll talk about some
biomarkers to watch for with your immune system
(and some foods that will help out).
Until Then,
Much Love
Marie Jane Lewin "The Beauty Alchemist "